Whitefish Point Marathon

Join Whitefish Point Marathon
The Whitefish Point Marathon is a 42.195 km race, that traverse along the Whitefish point road and along the Whitefish Point Bay, located in the township of Paradise, Michigan USA. This scenic race was kept for the first time in June of 2o13.
A few changes were made to improve this year’s marathon. There will be drinking cups at the aid stations, thus eliminating the need to carry a water bottle. Awards will be hand painted Lake Superior stones by a local artist for first place O/A and A/G. Finisher medallions will be Lake Superior stones. Any runner posting a Boston Marathon Qualifying time at his year’s race will receive a custom “BQ mug” featuring the Whitefish Point Marathon logo on one side and a large BQ in blue and yellow on the other side. No changes to the course which is scenic, flat, and fast.
Though this is a small event, it is USATF Certified and times can be used to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
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