Join Valley Harvest Marathon
Welcome to the annual Valley Harvest Marathon that will be held in the month of October in Wolfville, NS Canada. This event gets better every year. The organizers are doing a fantastic job and really know how to please the runners. The shirt and medal are very nice and if you are fortunate enough to place in an age group, the prizes will be great. The course is quite scenic with farmland and Minas Basin views.
There will a few short up hills, but there some nice gradual downhill sections as well. There will be plenty of aid stations and the course will be very well marshalled. There won’t be a lot of spectators on the course, partly due to good traffic control to minimize cars on the route. The crowd support is fantastic when you finish on the track at the Acadia University Stadium. A grandstand full of spectators and a professional announcer make for a memorable finishing experience.
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