Join Ultra NORWAY Race
Canal Aventure is the official website of The Track Organisation. Established in 2010, The Track Organisation is a travel agency specializing in ultramarathons organization. Born of the passion for adventure and by the conviction that sport is a universal language, we want to give you the opportunity to experience (and to share) some extraordinary moments.
Since 2011, the events that we organize on the differents continents from Australia to Bolivia through India, Burkina Faso, Norway and Vietnam, brought together hundreds of participants from thirty different nationalities. Motivated by simple but essential values our ambition is to organize events that allow participants to discover beautiful landscapes and the different cultures of our planet.
Our commitment is also to preserve the authenticity of places and people we encounter. So we limit our groups at a reasonable number of participant.
The Ultra NORWAY Race is part of the Canal Aventure Series and is a foot race non-stop of 170 km, with 7,000 meters of positive elevation and competitor is in semi Self-Supported.
The adventure takes place in Norway, from the Lyngen Alps to Tromsø, 350 km north of the Arctic Circle.
The participants must follow the route as marked by the organizers. There are check points located at regular intervals.
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