TOPMAN Half Antofagasta Triathlon

Join TOPMAN Half Antofagasta Triathlon
The TOPMAN Half Antofagasta Triathlon is a thrilling event that offers both Half, Olympic and Sprint distance races for participants of all skill levels. This unique competition takes place in the stunning coastal region of Chile, providing a picturesque backdrop for athletes to challenge themselves and enjoy the beauty of the area.
Course details
Start address: Balneario Municipal Antofagasta - Avenida República de Croacia, Antofagasta, II Región, Chile
Finish address: Balneario Municipal Antofagasta - Avenida República de Croacia, Antofagasta, II Región, Chile
What’s included
done Timing chip (single use)
done Drink Stations
done Nutrition Stations
done Medical Assistance
done Toilets
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?
The kits will be delivered the day before the competition according to the program at the cofradia Nautica in Algarrobo.
What is the cancelation/refund policy for this event?
There is no refund of registration under any medical or personal argument.
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