Die Veranstaltung dieses Jahr wurde abgesagt

Join Three Hearts Marathon
While running the Marathon you run through two countries (Slovenia and Austria) and you cross the border 4 times.
This is the oldest marathon, not only in Slovenia but in all of south-eastern Europe. All tracks are officially measured by AIMS/IAAF. They are run on flat terrain between fields and villages along the river Mura.
As a participant describes the event: "One of the last running events with heart and soul" Three Hearts Marathon (Slovene: Maraton treh src) is a marathon, organised in Radenci in Slovenia. It has been taking place since 1981 and attracts several thousand people each year. In addition to the marathon, a half marathon (21 km), recreative running (10 km) and a course for juniors and teenagers are organised. The event was the Slovenian national championships race from 1992 to 1998 and has hosted the national race in even-numbered years since then, now sharing the honour with the Ljubljana Marathon.
Course details
Start address: Radenci, Slovenia
Finish address: Hotel Radin - Sava Hotels & Resorts, Radenci, Zdraviliško naselje, Slovenia
What’s included
done Finisher medal info
done Cash prizes info
done Timing chip (single use)
done Medical Assistance info
done Bag drop info
done Toilets info
done Shower
done Trophies info
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