Die Veranstaltung dieses Jahr wurde abgesagt

Join The Uganda Marathon - An Adventure Like No Other!
East Africa is the home of long-distance running. Explore and get to know this incredible part of the world in an unbelievable week-long trip that perfectly combines running, charity and adventure.
The Uganda Marathon is a 7 day adventure like no other in rural Africa. Spend a week getting to know an incredible Ugandan community as you meet and volunteer for local grass-roots projects; enjoy drinks around the campfire, under the evening African skies; enjoy running tours of the local area from the Masaka Running club; and then, at the end of the week, run alongside 5,000 locals in Africa's best loved race.
Not just a race, but An Adventure Like No Other, you'll make life-long friends, leave a legacy that will help a community and last for years to come, and make memories that you'll talk about for the rest of your life.
Take the leap, sign up and do something incredible!
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