Daytona 100 Ultramarathon

13 Dez 2025 (Sat)


160,93km, 80,47km, 50km

Daytona 100 Ultramarathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Daytona 100 Ultramarathon

Run on quiet seaside streets and a beach with sand so sturdy it once hosted the world’s most famous car race! 

The Daytona 100 is a flat and fast course . . . perhaps the fastest 100-miler in the state or even the country. And with the moderate-to-cool North Florida temperatures in December this course is absolutely perfect for anyone looking to run a first 100-miler, or to notch a "PR" in the distance.

Ultrarunners will depart Atlantic Beach in Jacksonville and head south towards the mecca of auto racing! You will hug the ocean for 100 nonstop miles, through Daytona, until you pass the historic Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and ultimately reach the finish line . . . on the beach in front of the world-famous Racing’s North Turn, the very spot where the historic Daytona national car race used to exit the beach!

The Daytona 100 is a USATF-sanctioned, north-to-south, point-to-point course that travels through some of the most scenic areas Florida has to offer. You will be running almost exclusively on paved trails, sidewalks, and the beach itself (80 miles of pavement; 20 miles of very firm and runnable beach). You will rarely be more than a block or so from the ocean, and will enjoy countless unobstructed views of the water.

There is also the Daytona 50 miles.


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Daytona 100 Ultramarathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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