Join Taliharja Vanakuri - winter ultra endurance race
Course details
Start address: Hara, 74810 Harju County, Estonia
Finish address: Aegviidu raudteejaam, Aegviidu, 74501 Harju maakond, Estonia
Im Preis enthalten
- transport to start from finish with special bus
- race maps
- race number
- GPS tracking by Sportrec
- food & facilities in the finish.
- finisher prize and diploma
- In midcamp checkpoint: shelter, snacks and water.
- transport of one bag per participant from start to finish.
Praktische Informationen
There is a common sleeping room after race (on floor). There is a possibility to book a bed before and after race in hostels around race finish. Information will be provided 1 month prior to race at www.wilderness.ee
Service nach dem Lauf
Warm food, sauna, common sleeping room (on floor)
18+, only with previous ultra experience
Water station at 25km and 80km of race. Warm food midcamp station at 51km. Warm drink, food. Must carry all other items, also food 2000kcal from start
Finisher prize and diploma for everybody that reaches finish line
Lagerung der Ausrüstung
Possibility to leave bags in race center/finish before race. One bag per racer is transported to finish from start.
Maximale Zeit
Parking is free at event center in Aegviidu for duration of event
Angebotener Fotoservice
Photos and video are included in race fee
Must have experience in ultra running, adventure racing, rogaining etc. Race director can refuse the entry to any racer not experienced enough.
Das Laufkit beinhaltet
Bib, maps, GPS tracker
Energy rich snacks, sausages, soup, warm drinks
Electronic timing & GPS tracking
All participants are taken to start by bus from race center/finish in Aegviidu village.
Refund Policy
50% refund if cancel up to 20.12.20. After that no refund. Transferring race spot to another qualified person is allowed until 31.12.20
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?
You will get it from race center in Aegviidu village
Can someone collect my race pack for me?
How do I get to the race location?
You can travel to race location from Tallinn or Tartu by train. From Tallinn trains run every hour and cost about 3 eur and take 50min. Another option is personal or rental car.
Can I change the distance after I purchase a ticket?
Yes, the fee is the same in "pehmo" race. You can also step of during the race and join "pehmo" club
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