Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance runs

Join Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance runs
The Tahoe Rim Trail 100 mile Endurance Run takes place on high elevation alpine and sub-alpine forest trails and dirt roads in the Carson Spur of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The event is located on the northeast side of Lake Tahoe. All distances begin and end at the Spooner Lake State Park, which is at 7,000 feet. The highest point of the event is just below the 9,214 foot Snow Valley Peak (which also provides one of the best views on the course). The low point is at the bottom of the now "infamous" Red House Loop (A Taste of Hell) at approximately 6800 feet.
The net proceeds from this event benefit the Tahoe Rim Trail Association trail maintenance program, the Lake Tahoe Nevada State Parks back country mountain bike patrol, the South Lake Tahoe and Carson City High School cross‐country teams, the Carson High School Volleyball Team, the Carson City Boy Scouts and the Carson City American Legion and more.
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