Surfside Beach Marathon & Half Marathon
22 Feb 2025 (Sat)
42,20km, 21,08km, 10km, 5km, 1km

Join Surfside Beach Marathon & Half Marathon
Surfside Beach Marathon is more than just a stroll on the beach, proceeds from the Surfside Beach Full will benefit the Save Our Beach Association (SOBA) and Lion’s Club out of Surfside Beach,Texas.
Proceeds also benefit FTR Kids, a nonprofit organization devoted to encouraging active lifestyles in area youth. The goal is to offer this free running program to schools throughout Galveston County and neighboring counties including Brazoria and Chambers Counties. Donations are also made to multiple other student organizations.
The Marathon course is 100% pavement free; we stay on the beautiful stretch of beach between Surfside Beach and the San Luis Pass. The event begins and ends at Stahlman Park in Surfside, Texas.
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