Sunburst Races

Join Sunburst Races
The tree-lined streets of the campus of Indiana’s legendary University of Notre Dame are the setting for the late spring/early summer running of South Bend’s Sunburst Races Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, which together welcome nearly 10,000 runners and walkers each year, and celebrates its 33rd annual running this year.
Run on a course that’s mostly fast and flat through the streets of South Bend. The marathon and half marathon provide a beautiful course along the scenic St. Joseph River; the marathon also includes parts of Mishawaka, Indiana. Parts of the course include “out and back” elements, meaning that runners go out, and then return along the same route in some instances. With a relatively flat course and an elevation in South Bend of approximately 725 feet, the Sunburst Races are an ideal venue for setting personal records or qualifying for specific races.
The race is considered well-suited for both experienced runners as well as newbies looking to run their first marathon or half-marathon event. It is USATF-Certified and is a Boston Qualifier.
Race Day events include a 5K Fitness Walk, 5K run, 10K run, Half Marathon, and Marathon. Proceeds from Sunburst Races benefit the Child Life Endowment at Memorial Children’s Hospital.
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