Duff's Skagway Marathon

28 Jun 2025 (Sat)


21,10km, 42,20km

Duff's Skagway Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

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Join Duff's Skagway Marathon

The annual Duff’s Skagway Marathon, Half Marathon, and Walking Half Marathon is in June. Known far and wide as one of the hardest – and most rewarding – marathons in North America, the Skagway Marathon has quite the reputation.The Skagway Full Marathon is difficult course that covers a variety of terrain, elevation gains and drop, and takes you from small historical town setting to tranquil wilderness.  Although considered a road marathon this out and back race crosses over into trail territory with most of the rugged roads midway into the race.

This course is very hilly so keep this in mind for your training.The runners who’ve crossed the finish line the past few years at the Skagway Marathon know why this race advertises itself with the tagline, “5% tough, 95% brutal.” With a course that unfolds hills, mountains, portions of glaciers, and through forests and past streams, this race isn’t the one to choose if you’re looking to PR.Instead, it’s one you’ll choose when you’re looking for an adventure, one that will take you along the Main Street of this small southeastern Alaska city and into the mountainous wilderness that overlooks its city streets, neighborhoods and the waters of Smugglers Cove below.Nestled along the Alaskan panhandle, Skagway was inhabited by the Tlingit people in prehistoric times, and later experienced a boom during the Gold Rush years, which left behind a railroad called the White Pass and Yukon Route that still operates during the summer months, mainly for tourists now.

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directions_runStart address: Skagway,us

flagFinish address: Skagway,us

Duff's Skagway Marathon Routenkarte


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Duff's Skagway Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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