Silver Comet 1/2 and Full

Join Silver Comet 1/2 and Full
Long stretches of paved trails that snake through the lush, green, wooded forest areas of the northwest Atlanta suburbs are the hallmark of the Silver Comet Marathon & Half Marathon, for an event that usually sees more than 1,500 runners each year.
The Silver Comet 10k, Marathon, and Half Marathon are presented by Silver Comet Races, which is owned and founded by Dana Greene. The race proceeds benefit numerous community programs and school running programs.
The Silver Comet 10k, Marathon, and Half Marathon are the only races of their kind on the Silver Comet Trail in Cobb County, a beautiful scenic trail that stretches from just inside the perimeter all the way west to Alabama! The Silver Comet Trail is loved by families and athletes alike for running, cycling, sight-seeing, and general recreation.
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