Shires of Vermont Marathon

Join Shires of Vermont Marathon
The marathon is a point-to-point race from Bennington to Manchester Center, Vermont. The course follows mainly secondary roads through the villages of North Bennington, Shaftsbury, Arlington, Sunderland, and Manchester. Sections of the course will be closed to traffic. About eight miles consist of hard-packed dirt, with the remainder of the surface paved.
The Annual Shires of Vermont Marathon and HAlf Marathon is a point-to-point picturesque tour of some of the best scenery New England has to offer. The marathon begins at Bennington College, a small but beautiful liberal arts college. The runners are taken through the quaint village of North Bennington and then proceed to the back roads of Shaftsbury. Surrounded by natural canopy and apple blossoms, the mountains are so close you can taste them. Continuing north, the runners arrive at the half-way point and the beginning of the half marathon at the Arlington Community Church, a classic white clapboard and steepled church. The course proceeds north traversing a covered bridge as the introduction to Sunderland and its rolling hills. Further north, Manchester awaits where you emerge from the quiet serenity of rural Vermont and enter into a quaint downtown area as the final 2 miles are left. From the center of Manchester, the rrace finishes at Riley Rink at Hunter Park where shelter from the elements, a well trained medical staff, food, and showers await.
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