Shipyard Old Port Half Marathon & 5K

Join Shipyard Old Port Half Marathon & 5K
The Shipyard Old Port Half Marathon & 5k is Portland’s premier summertime running event that cuts through the heart of the Old Port district and West End neighborhood and features sweeping views of the Casco Bay its many islands, ferries, sailboats, lobster boats, tug boats, and paddlers, the Presumpscot River, the City of Portland skyline, and the Back Cove. The event is hosted from Portland’s Ocean Gateway Terminal, a busy facility on the waterfront with daily ferry service to Canada.
We know that there is an ever-growing list of choices for runners. There are plenty of half marathons, marathons and other road races along with adventure races, obstacle races and more. We want to make your experience at our races the best that it can be. We have surveyed thousands of runners over the past five years to find out what you want and don’t want at an event. Based on those answers, we don’t include a shirt with the registration cost, but we do include race photos, a mobile app, two complimentary Shipyard beers and more. We work to improve the experience for you every year at each of our events.
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