Ring Of Gullion Ultra

Join Ring Of Gullion Ultra
Formed some 60 million years ago, the Slieve Gullion ring dyke was created by a massive volcanic explosion. The eruption obliterated the central volcano but left a circle of hills radiating around the main caldera. The formation measures some 150km² and is considered the finest example of its type in Britain and Ireland.
Course details
Start address: 20 Kilmorey St, Newry BT34 2DE, UK
Finish address: 20 Kilmorey St, Newry BT34 2DE, UK
Praktische Informationen
We will provide water refill stations at certain points. You are self-sufficient throughout the event, carrying your own equipment - no water bottles/packages are provided, only water to refill your own carriers.
Maximale Zeit
7 hours at 26 miles (Slieve Gullion forest park) and 10 hours to complete
Possibility to use a GPS tracker (£14 extra)
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