Probility Ann Arbor Marathon

12 Okt 2025 (Sun)


5km, 42,16km, 21,08km, 10km

Probility Ann Arbor Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Probility Ann Arbor Marathon

Take to the scenic streets of Ann Arbor in late March for the Probility Ann Arbor Marathon, brought to you by Epic Races and Champions for Charity. With a variety of running events that appeal to all ages and abilities, you’ll find that the Probility Ann Arbor Marathon is your ideal early-spring race, whether you’re walking your first 5K or running your 50th marathon.

Set for its annual running here at the home of the University of Michigan, the Probility Ann Arbor Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K runs along a point-to-point course that starts and finishes on the UM campus and features views of the city’s downtown as well as stretches along the winding Huron River.

If you’re a college football fan, the starting line is likely to be quite familiar to you — it’s near the northwest corner of the University of Michigan Wolverines football stadium on Main Street, also known as the “Big House.”

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Probility Ann Arbor Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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