Prince of Wales Island International Marathon

Join Prince of Wales Island International Marathon
We are the race venue for those seeking a challenge and stunning scenery in a unique locale.
The wild, unspoiled woodlands of the Tongass National Forest and the highways that carve through this large island in what is known as the Alexander Archipelago along the Alaska panhandle serve as the setting for the Prince of Wales International Marathon, Half Marathon and Relay race.
Prince of Wales Island is part of the Alenxander Archipelago in the southernmost portion of the Alaska panhandle and is the third largest island in the US. Our island is 135 miles long and 40 miles across. Its 900 miles of coastline has numerous bays, coves, inlets and points. The landscape is characterized by steep forested mountains and deep U-shaped valleys that were carved by glacial ice that once covered this area. It is a lush rain forest environment, with summer temperature that range 45 to 75 degrees F.
The Prince of Wales Island Marathon is the standard distance of 26.2 miles and is USATF certified, #AK14007FW. Race times may be used as time qualifiers for the Boston Marathon.
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