Prairie Spirit Trail
22 Mrz 2025 (Sat)
160,93km, 100km, 80,47km, 50km, 42,20km, 21,10km, 8,05km

Join Prairie Spirit Trail
The Prairie Spirit Trail is a beautiful “rails-to-trails” course that runs through numerous quaint little towns. Runners will do an out-and-back, beginning in Ottawa, KS and traveling south to Iola (100 milers), Welda (100Kers), Garnett (50 milers) or Richmond (50K), then, back north to the finish. The course is primarily on a crushed limestone trail, with asphalt paths as you travel through each town. Manned and unmanned aid stations will be approximately every 5 miles (with no greater distance than approximately 6 miles) and the course is easily accessible to crew. It’s a great event for first timers, as it’s a flat and relatively easy course. It’s also the perfect course for experienced runners wanting to set a PR. The atmosphere will be family friendly with plenty of places for your crew to hang out and relax while cheering you on. Pacers will be allowed for the second half of the all events.
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