Tartan Ottawa International Marathon

Join Tartan Ottawa International Marathon
Das Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend ist die beliebteste Laufveranstaltung in Kanada. Teil dieses Wochenendes ist auch der Ottawa Marathon, welcher der größte Marathon in Kanada ist. Während des Tartan Race Weekend werden mehrere andere Läufe veranstaltet, wobei der Ottawa Halbmarathon und der Ottawa 10 km Marathon die beliebtesten sind. Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem Frühlingslauf bist, der eine schnelle Strecke hat und Tausende von Zuschauern anzieht, die eine erstaunliche Atmosphäre erschaffen, solltest du unbedingt in Ottawa laufen. Die Stadt ist zu dieser Jahreszeit wunderschön, und die Strecke des Ottawa-Marathons weist einige der ikonenhaftesten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf.
Celebrating 50 years in 2024, the Tartan Ottawa International Marathon is the most prestigious and exceptionally scenic running event in Canada!
If you are looking for a spring race that has a fast course and attracts thousands of spectators who create an amazing atmosphere you should definitely run in the nation’s capital. The city is beautiful at this time of the year and the world-class marathon course showcases some of the most iconic landmarks.
Bring your friends, family, and celebrate together!
Register today for Canada's world-class race experience you won't forget!
Course details
Start address: Ottawa City Hall, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Finish address: Ottawa City Hall, Ottawa, ON, Canada
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Goodie bag
done Cash prizes info
done Timing chip (single use) info
done Pacers
done Photo Service
done Video Service
done Training program
done Expo entry
done Post-race meal
done Massage
done Parking
done Drink Stations info
done Nutrition Stations info
done Medical Assistance info
done Bag drop
done Toilets info
done A free local craft beer
Häufig gestellte Fragen
When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?
Race Kit Pick-Up will be held within the Health and Fitness Expo at Lansdowne Park. Friday May 24 and Saturday May 25 Health and Fitness Expo Aberdeen Pavilion, Lansdowne Park, times TBD.
Can someone collect my race pack for me?
Yes! Please ensure that they have a copy of your confirmation or your bib number.
What is the cancelation/refund policy for this event?
No-refund policy
Where can I register for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024?
Please visit runottawa.ca for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend event schedule, course offerings and easy access to registration.
Do any of the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend distances have time limits on them?
Marathon participants are expected to be able to reach the 26km marker by 11:30 am, after which point they may be redirected to the finish line. Marathon participants are expected to be able to finish within 7 hours. Half marathon participants are expected to be able to complete the event within 4 hours.
Can I run with headphones?
While the use of headphones is permitted on the course, they are not recommended.
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