Join Oman Desert Marathon
This is a 20% deposit to secure your spot in the race. The remaining 80% is to be paid directly to the organizer.
Oman Desert Marathon provides participants with a true experience of living in the desert, this vast expanse of stunning beauty and breathtaking imagination to implement a unique physical, emotional, and spiritual experience of a lifetime.
You can decide if you want to run or hike, both events require each runner to be prepared and self-sufficient in food and personal needs. It is a sport to learn patience and challenge, a sport of excitement and suspense, a sport of adventure and strength. The race and hike both start in front of the historical forts and castle in the village of Al-Wasil in the Wilayat of Bidiyah and end at the Al Jawharat Resort.
The five stages will take the contestants through different miles of attractive charm and aesthetic diversity in the topography and terrain, starting with history and civilization with historical forts and castles, passing through green palm oases and lush shades and then dunes where the stages of the race pass through the dwellings of the nomads who still follow the grazing roads, in the desert of Oman.
The difference between both events is in the kilometers to cover per day, the 165 km race will cover 42 km, 32 km, 40 km, 30 km, and 21 km in five stages, while the 100 km hike will cover approximately 20 km each day during the five stages.
As for the night stage, it has a special magic runners will enjoy the desert its splendor, beauty, and charm, which captivates the hearts to take you little by little to darkness, isolation, calmness, silence, and the fragrance of the winds, with the radiance of millions of twinkling stars that captivate you with their beauty.
Course details
Starting from the Oasis of Alwasil and finishing at Al Jawharat Resort in Bediyah. Five stages of 42 km, 32 km, 40 km, 30 km and 21 km and five different perspectives of one of the most beautiful deserts of the world. A unique journey to discover the most remote, untouched sands and the highest dunes of the Omani Desert while on the tracks of the ancient caravans.
6 days event through the Oman Desert. This is a 20% deposit to secure your spot in the race. The remaining 80% is to be paid directly to the organizer.
Start address: Bidiyah, Oman
Finish address: Jawharat Bidiyah Resort منتجع جوهرة بدية, Bidiyah, Oman
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Event T-shirts
done Photo Service info
done Video Service
done Pre-race meal info
done Post-race meal info
done Shuttle to Start Line info
done Drink Stations info
done Medical Assistance
done Accomodation info
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Where will I sleep?
The Oman Desert Marathon will provide big tents for sleeping, where the runners will find shelter at the end of each stage. The tents are open on one side, so you will not be sleeping in an enclosed space and fresh air can circulate.
Are Sand Gaiters mandatory?
Yes, the Oman Desert Marathon is a race where most of the course is on the sand, and the sand you will find is mostly soft. In some races the sand gaiters can be considered optional, this strategy doesn’t work in Oman. Once there was a competitor that “forgot” to take the sand gaiters. After 1 stage of struggle with the sand, he cut the sleeves of his night jacket and used them as socks covering the shoes and blocking most of the sand. He was able to finish the race, but he said that in the future he will never forget the sand gaiters.
What are the stage cut off times?
We adapt the cut offs according to the temperature and the average times of the runners on the previous stage. The cut offs are decided before the start of each stage in order to allow the maximum number possible of runners to finish the stage in a reasonable time. Some participants decide to do some stages of hiking, cut off times allows to hike. Nobody was excluded for missing a cut off. You can also check in the program the approximate time we expect the last runner to arrive on each stage.
Mandatory Kit
Food Each competitor must have enough food for 5 days, with a minimum of 2000 calories per day or 10.000 calories in total. SURVIVAL GEAR Sand Gaiters Backpack Sleeping bag Anti-venom pump Metal Knife Antiseptic Signaling mirror Salt tablets or equivalent Whistle Space blanket 1 fully charged headlamp with spare batteries First aid kit with plasters, bandage, scissors, ointment Euro 200 in cash (100 OMR)
Compulsory Documents to be submitted?
ADMINISTRATIVE FILE The following compulsory documents must be submitted before 19th December 2024. All the registrations have to be taken using the link in our website or as directed by project manager. The runner’s profile must be upload 30 days from start of the race, with the following information: 1 – Medical Certificate or ask representative of your country if any 2 – Electrocardiogram (please check the rules it needs to be not older than 30 days) 3 – Image of you valid Passport 4 – Certificate of Assistance and Repatriation insurance 5 – Dates and Times of arrival and departure times The organization will provide a folder where you can upload the documents or you can provide it to ODM representative in your country. Since the total number of participants is limited, the organization will accept entries in line with available places and will enroll only those whose administrative dossiers are complete.
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