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Join Olympia Marathon
Olympia Marathon highlights the connection between the Olympic Games and the Marathon. In the ancient Olympic Games the athletes were gathering in the city of Elis to train and to compete for a place in the Games. The trip from Elis to Olympia started two days before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Participants, trainers, hellanodikai (the judges of the Olympic games) and thousands of people formed a procession and walked on the Sacred Road that lead them to Olympia.
Be a part of this great celebration of sport and Olympism and live your own moments of glory at the place where it all started! Registration period has already started!
Course details
The Course is relatively flat. Start from the city of Amaliada, pass through the city of Pyrgos and end in the historic town of Ancient Olympia, a few hundrend meters far from the ancient stadium (the whole course is on tarmac road).
Start address: Amaliada 272 00, Greece
Finish address: Πραξιτέλη Κονδύλη 35, Archea Olimpia 270 65, Greece
Im Preis enthalten
Race bag
Water and fruits at the finish
Water and energy drinks along the course
Digital certificate with your name and time
Medical support
Transportation to the start (Ilida, Amaliada) from Pyrgos and Ancient Olympia. Note: you must inform the organising committee during your registration Gifts from sponsors
Gifts from sponsors
Technical Race T-shirt
Praktische Informationen
Participants must be over 18 and must have recently undergone a medical examination to assure they are completely healthy to participate in this race.
Water stations will be available every 2,5km. Refreshment stations every 5 km distributing Energy Sport Drinks and Gel.
There will be awards for the first three winners (male and female) in every age group (5 years age difference) All the participants that finish the race will receive a medal.
Lagerung der Ausrüstung
You will be able leave a race bag at the start of the race and receive it at the finish.
Maximale Zeit
6 hours - Marathon, 3 hour - Half Marathon & 90 minutes - 10K
Das Laufkit beinhaltet
Technical (dryfit) Race T-shirt. Bib and timing chip (Mylaps). Race bag. Medal. Water and fruits at the finish. Water and energy drinks along the course. Digital certificate with your name and time. Medical support. Gifts from sponsors
The electronic timing of the race will be operated by All About Running (a company responsible for the timing of the Athens Authentic Marathon and 80 more running events in Greece) with the MYLAPS sports timing BIBTAG system
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