Newport News One City Marathon

01 Mrz 2025 (Sat)


4,99km, 1,85km, 47,31km, 26,07km, 42,16km, 21,08km

Newport News One City Marathon

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Join Newport News One City Marathon

Whether you’re planning to run in the Newport News One City Marathon on Sunday, watch the race, or travel in the city, this event will be a spectacular event for you.

Take a tour of Newport News… marathon style! Runners will begin their journey in the stunning setting of Newport News Park where they will enjoy the allure of spring in a landscape as historical as it is beautiful. From there the next 26.2 miles will include the very best Newport News has to offer, finishing, and fittingly so, at the Newport News Victory Arch. The One City Marathon is a flat, fast, point to point course and also a Boston Qualifier. The race will be followed by the One City, One Celebration in Victory Landing Park.

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Newport News One City Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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