Naperville Women's Half Marathon & 5K

Join Naperville Women's Half Marathon & 5K
In Sunday late April the City of Naperville will play host to the newest community event for female runners of all ability levels with the Annual Naperville Women’s Half Marathon and 5K presented by Naperville Running Company. This unique format, offered to women only, will again turn the streets of Naperville into a show of force as the fitness movement continues to expand because of their involvement.
The event features two competitions for all ability levels of running or walking in either the Half Marathon or 5K.
The Naperville Women’s Half Marathon starts at 7:00am with the 5K starting at 7:30am from the campus of North Central College. Runners and walkers will travel through some of the most famous neighborhoods and boulevards in the city, as the event cruises through areas like downtown Naperville, Fifth Street Station and of course the North Central College campus.
The finish of all events and our post event celebrations will take place in the stadium of North Central College from 8:30am to Noon with food, refreshments and live entertainment.
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