Modesto Marathon

23 Mrz 2025 (Sun)


5km, 42,16km, 21,08km, 10km

Modesto Marathon

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Join Modesto Marathon

The home city of the world-famous Ernest and Julio Gallo Winery welcomes the annual spring running of the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon, along a combination of the city’s residential neighborhoods, urban parks and the campus of Modesto Junior College for an event that will also serve as a fundraiser for the local nonprofit Teens Run Modesto.

The Modesto Marathon was founded to serve the local community by providing top-notch marathon, half marathon and 5K running events while promoting physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Proceeds benefit the Teens Run Modesto program, which challenges area youth, especially those at-risk, to experience the benefits of goal-setting, character development, adult mentoring and improved physical fitness through a structured training program culminating in the running and completion of the Modesto Marathon.

The Marathon Course is USATF certified and is a Boston & NY Qualifier.

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Modesto Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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