Milwaukee Marathon

Join Milwaukee Marathon
There will be great running events for all ages and abilities: Mile Race, 5K Race, Half Marathon, and Marathon which is a Boston Qualifier! And don’t forget about the Health & Fitness Expo – with lots of food, vendors and kid’s activities including trick-or-treat! All capped off by the Finish Line Festival. So lace up your shoes, grab a friend or the whole family, and get ready to experience the amazing city of Milwaukee in a refreshing and unforgettable way!
The Milwaukee Running Festival is a non-profit organization which will produce a world-class running event in Milwaukee that will be open to people of all ages and abilities. The event will be a source of civic pride for our citizens, a reflection of our diverse culture and history, a showcase for our landmarks and unique neighborhoods, a means to boost tourism and enhance the economic well-being of the greater Milwaukee area, and a vehicle for giving back to our community through a strong partnership with local charitable organizations. We will bring together governmental agencies, community organizations, neighborhood groups and businesses to create a high-quality and safe event.
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