Midwinter Marathon

Join Midwinter Marathon
The Midwinter Marathon is the oldest existing running event in the Netherlands. The marathon is held continuously every year (never winter event is canceled!) in Apeldoorn, Netherlands.A unique marathon.The course around Apeldoorn has for years been known as one of the most challenging races in the Netherlands. Participants run through the beautiful wooded surroundings of Apeldoorn, Hoog Soeren and Assel. Start point and finish line are in the ‘Royal’ Loolaan.Unique because of the beautiful trail that begins and ends at the ‘royal’ Loolaan and passes through the hilly and wooded area of Apeldoorn, in many edition with a thick layer of snow. Unique because of the obsolete distances, for example, the Mini-Marathon and Assel Round. But the course is also unique because the organization of Midwintermarathon entirely in the hands of volunteers. On the day itself, there are about 350 available on course.
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