McDowell Mountain Frenzy Trail Runs

06 Dez 2025 (Sat)


16,09km, 8,05km, 80,47km, 50km, 25km

McDowell Mountain Frenzy Trail Runs

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Join McDowell Mountain Frenzy Trail Runs

Fountain Hills is a small, scenic desert community located east of Scottsdale and about 45 minutes from Sky Harbor International Airport. The town is surrounded by mountains with sweeping mountain views including Four Peaks, the Superstition Mountains and the McDowell Mountains, and boasts a natural desert landscape. With a name like Fountain Hills, of course there is a fountain. But not just any fountain. Built more than 30 years ago, this dramatic landmark is a centerpiece of the town in Fountain Park. The fountain is located in the middle of a man-made 28-acre lake in the heart of Fountain Hills. One of the world’s highest fountains, the 560-foot tall plume of water, shoots to the sky and is visible for many miles.

Fountain Hills is home to the McDowell Mountain Regional Park, which hosts the annual McDowell Mountain Frenzy. This year’s 50 Mile course include rolling single track trails within McDowell Mountain Regional Park and a traverse of the McDowell Mountain Range within the City of Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve. 50 Mile runners will get a chance to see the Maricopa Trail heading North towards Brown’s Ranch and climb to the top of Thompson Peak.

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McDowell Mountain Frenzy Trail Runs

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