Maratonina dei 3 Comuni

Join Maratonina dei 3 Comuni
The Winter Queen is approaching, in fact there are just over two months left to the 40th edition of the Marathon of the 3 Municipalities, scheduled for January 27, 2019, with departure and arrival in Civita Castellana. Confirmed the logistics of meeting, departure and arrival, near the Forte Sangallo, where the large spaces had welcomed in the 2016 edition over 2400 participants who had created a fantastic edition of the Marathon. The path, always the same, but be careful, when starting from the city of the Cosmati, it turns backwards, so first we will find Nepi, through the classic coming and going near the aqueduct and then Castel Sant’Elia. This time then "Millecori" will be downhill. Registration is already open, the first deadline at 16 euros is scheduled for December 2, 2018 and to make things easier we will be present in Fiumicino with our gazebo where we will receive all the information on the race and make your registration.
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