Maraton Internacional Costa Pacifico

Join Maraton Internacional Costa Pacifico
Three scenic races on the Pacific coast of Chile. Participants can opt for a full marathon, a half-marathon or a 10km race. Each distance is open to participants on wheelchairs.
All distances have the same starting time at 7:30am.
Each race (10k, 21k and 42k) starts in a different town to later join the route of the shorter race. Marathoners will join the half-marathon’s route after running half the distance and for the final 10km all races cover the 10k race course.
All races have their finish line in the town of Reñaca which is a popular beach destination in Chile.
Hydration stations are located every 5km.
10k map and altimetry profile
Half-marathon map and altimetry profile
Marathon map and altimetry profile
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