Maratón de Santiago

18 Mai 2025 (Sun)


Marathon, Halbmarathon, 10 km

Maratón de Santiago

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local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Maratón de Santiago

Der Santiago Marathon wird deine Anstrengungen mit einem eindrucksvollen Blick auf die Anden im Hintergrund belohnen. Dieser Marathon in Santiago, einer der schönsten Hauptstädte der Welt, ist die größte Sportveranstaltung in Chile. Natürlich geht es beim Santiago Marathon nicht nur um den Austragungsort. Die Organisatoren sind stolz darauf, sozial verantwortlich zu sein. Sie engagieren eine große Zahl von Freiwilligen, organisieren eine Spenden-Nudelparty, haben einen Hundeschutzplan und sorgen mit ihrer Zero-Garbage-Challenge für die Umwelt. Die Stadt selbst hat viel zu bieten in Form zahlreicher Museen und belebter Märkte, die lokale Produkte und Kunsthandwerk anbieten, wie der Mercado Central, der von National Geographic als fünftbester Markt der Welt eingestuft wird. Sichere dir noch heute einen Startplatz beim Santiago Marathon und vergiss dabei nicht, einen Besuch der örtlichen heißen Quellen einzuplanen, um die Erholung nach dem Lauf zu fördern.

Beschreibung vom Veranstalters keyboard_arrow_down

Seize the chance to immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience and join the nation's premier sporting event. Whether you're looking to push your boundaries in the 42K, savour the journey in the 21K, or achieve your personal best in the 10K, the Santiago Marathon offers a challenge for everyone.

Held in Santiago, Chile, the Maratón de Santiago is the country's largest national sports event. This event features a marathon, half marathon, and 10K races, all recognized by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) and certified by World Athletics. With a growing number of participants each year, the marathon attracts not only local runners but also international competitors. This prestigious event has firmly established itself as the biggest marathon in the region.

Participating in the Santiago Marathon is a significant accomplishment for both elite athletes and recreational runners. On race day, participants have the opportunity to fulfil a personal dream as they cross the finish line in the heart of Santiago.

Course details

Course surface
Other tags
AIMS certified
Single Loop

Start address: Av. Alameda Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, Santiago, Chile

Finish address: Av. Alameda Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, Santiago, Chile


Maratón de Santiago Routenkarte

What’s included

These are included in your entry
  • done Finisher medal

  • done Goodie bag

  • done Event T-shirts

  • done Timing chip (single use)

  • done Pacers

  • done Photo Service

  • done Training program

  • done Expo entry

  • done Massage

  • done Drink Stations info

  • done Nutrition Stations

  • done Medical Assistance info

  • done Bag drop info

  • done Toilets

  • done Accident insurance

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5 / 5

(2 Bewertungen)

Häufig gestellte Fragen

When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?


Participation numbers and electronic timing tags will be given to participants at the Expo-Running, which will take place at the Cultural Center Estación Mapocho, located in the commune of Santiago, or at the place indicated by the Organization. Such delivery will be made only and personally to previously registered participants, who must present their identity card or passport. The ExpoRunning will be open starting on Thursday, May 15, 2025, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and on Friday, May 16, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and on Saturday, May 17, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

How do I get to the race location?


We highly recommend using the metro. The nearest station is Metro Moneda, which is just a short walk from the starting point. Driving is not recommended as there are no parking facilities available, and many streets will be closed off from very early in the morning.

Can I change the distance after I purchase a ticket?


Only one change of distance will be allowed, with a maximum period of 15 April 2025. In this case, the applicant must pay any difference in the value of his/her registration. The organization will, in any case, retain any difference in its favor as a fine, otherwise, distance changes will be subject to availability of places in the requested distance.

What is the cancellation/refund policy for this event?


There will be no refund of registration fees even if the participant, for any reason or cause, including the occurrence of an unforeseen event or force majeure, does not ultimately participate in the sporting event.

Maratón de Santiago

star star star star star

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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