Join Malta Marathon
Der Malta Marathon ist ein wahrlich einzigartiges Rennen, da er auf einer winzigen Mittelmeerinsel organisiert wird, die nur 27 Kilometer lang und 14 Kilometer breit ist. Die Strecke des Malta Halbmarathons und des Marathons führen überwiegend bergab mit einem Gefälle von 200 Metern vom Start bis zum Ziel. Damit ist der Malta Marathon eine gute Wahl für dein erstes Rennen, aber auch für den Versuch einen neuen persönlichen Rekord zu erzielen. Was noch aufregender ist, die Strecken beider Distanzen sind vollgepackt mit großartigen Ausblicken. Die Heimat des Malta Marathons ist aufgrund ihrer 7000-jährigen Geschichte reich an Kultur und Geschichte.
The Malta Marathon is one of Europe’s oldest marathons. The 2025 Malta Marathon will be the 40th edition.
It is by far Malta’s fastest and most popular marathon, it incorporates a half marathon. On a good day, records are bound to be broken by the participants from over 80 countries.
Both races are held in accordance to the World Athletic Technical & Competition regulations.
Both the Full and Half Marathons are predominantly downhill, starting at 195m and ending up at sea level making both races relatively fast.
In 2023 both the Ladies and Men's Malta Marathon records were broken (2:36 and 2:13 respectively) and in 2024 despite unfavourable weather conditions, the Ladies Malta Marathon record was broken again (2:35) whilst the 1st Male finished in 2.19. The Ladies and Men’s Malta Half Marathon records stand at 1:13 and 1:02 respectively. In 2024 the Ladies Half was won in 1:17 and the Men’s in 1:03.
All times are recognised and accepted by prestigious marathons, such as Boston, Berlin, Comrades, etc, and the Abbott World Marathon Majors. Four participants in the 2024 Malta Marathon qualified for the 2025 Abbott World Marathon Wanda Age Group World Championships.
The Malta Marathon & Half Marathon routes have changed many times over the years since the inaugural Malta Marathon which was held in 1986. Faster and less traffic congested roads have always been sought, hence the changes. This is no mean task due to Malta’s geographical layout and size.
Both routes start from outside the ancient fortified walls of Mdina, Malta's medieval capital. Along the routes participants will be accompanied by live bands whilst they pass through countryside and urban areas with the last 5Km passing along the yacht studded creeks of Malta's world-renowned natural harbour before finishing in the popular resort of Sliema.
Transport to the start is conveniently organised from Sliema, so that finishers can find their way to their accommodation on foot at their own leisure.
This will be the 40th edition of the Malta marathon 1986 – 2025.
The Malta Marathon and Half Marathon unparalleled records are as follows:
Malta Marathon - Male: 2:13:18, Female: 2:35:41, Most participants on race day: 881
Malta Half Marathon - Male: 1:02:50, Female: 1:13:50, Most participants on race day: 3,430
Course details
Start address: Mdina, Malta
Finish address: Sliema, Malta
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Event T-shirts
done E-certificate/e-diploma
done Timing chip (single use)
done Pacers
done Photo Service
done Massage
done Shuttle to Start Line info
done Free public transport
done Drink Stations
done Nutrition Stations
done Medical Assistance
done Bag drop info
done Toilets
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Can I change the distance after I purchase a ticket?
Usually yes, if race number hasn't yet been collected, depends on availability.
How do I get to the race location?
Transport from Sliema to the start can be booked online, either whilst applying for the event or at a later stage.
Can someone collect my race pack for me?
Yes, as long as the ID Number or Passport Number used to apply is given when collecting the number. If, a valid Covid vaccination certificate or a valid PCR test or a valid Rapid test is required, this is also presented.
When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?
Please visit this link https://www.maltamarathon.com/marathon_registration_sliema_map.htm
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