Idaho Falls Marathon

Join Idaho Falls Marathon
The scenic beauty of Eastern Idaho’s Upper Snake River Valley, filled with rolling rural hills and snow-capped mountains to the southeast, will be on display for runners at the annual running of Idaho Falls’ M.A.D. Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K race.
Called the “M.A.D.” Marathon in honor of Donny Osmond’s Make A Difference program — which provides seed funding to people around the country who want to start service projects for those in need in their local areas — the race is one that is geared toward beginner runners, the organizers say, without big hills and with as flat a course as is possible here in Idaho Falls.
The M.A.D. Marathon is a beautiful race course that begins in Wolverine Canyon, running through the foothills of Idaho Falls and ending in Idaho Falls at Snake River Landing North of Sunnyside Road.
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