Leiden Marathon

Join Leiden Marathon 2025
Der Leiden Marathon hat eine malerische Strecke, die das Beste aus den Stadtlandschaften und der grünen Landschaft im Grünen Herzen vereint. Diese Ein-Runden-Strecke ist sehr flach und schnell, also mach dich bereit, deine persönliche Bestleistung zu verbessern (wenn das dein Ziel ist). Der Leiden Marathon startet im Herzen des alten Leiden, einer 900 Jahre alten Stadt Rembrandts, und nimmt dich mit auf eine Sightseeing-Tour durch neun wunderschöne Dörfer mit den traditionellen Poldern, Windmühlen und neugierigen Kühen, die dich beim Durchlaufen anstarren. Genieße die hervorragende Organisation und die aufregende Atmosphäre, unterstützt von den begeisterten Zuschauern, die die Straßen dieses Marathons in Leiden säumen.
The Leiden Marathon is known for its good organization, personal attention for every runner, enthusiastic spectators and fine atmosphere. With the most beautiful course in The Netherlands with start and finish in the heart of an 900-year old city (where Rembrandt was born and the Pilgrims Fathers lived for 12 years). The marathon of Leiden (also called Leiden Marathon) is a running race over 42,195 km, held annually in Leiden since 1991. For the full marathon with a time limit of six hours applies.
The 42,195 km is one round that combines ancient Leiden with nine beautiful villages in the Green Heart where the marathoners run through a typical landscape of polders, windmills and cows. The Leiden Marathon had in 2019 more than 14.000 runners (1.000 on the full marathon) and on Saturday two thousand walkers who walked on the same route. And is still growing.
Leiden Marathon, Since 1991
The Leiden Marathon was started by the Leiden Road Runners Club, the first members of which gained their first experience of a marathon in New York. When they returned, they decided to organize their own marathon. The Leideners were so impressed by the atmosphere and organization that they took New York as an example. The first team of 48 runners who went to New York came from 3M Netherlands, and was therefore known as the 3M Marathon Team.
The Leiden Road Runners Club was set up as an independent club after the New York trip. The Leiden Road Runners then presented a plan for a local marathon to the management board of 3M. The plan was approved, and 3M sponsored the event for the next 10 years. When – according to the headline in the Leidsch Dagblad – the inhabitants of the city of Leiden and surrounding municipalities ‘embraced’ the very first Leiden Marathon (16 June 1991), it was clear that a wonderful sporting event had been born, which would grow to become a mature marathon.
Course details
Start address: Stadhuisplein 1, 2311 EJ Leiden, Netherlands
Finish address: Vismarkt, 2311 EH Leiden, Netherlands
Registrierung schließt am 06 Mai (64 Tage bis zur Veranstaltung)
ausgewählte Tickets
Eine volle Rückerstattung innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Anmeldung ist möglich.
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Timing chip (single use)
done Pacers
done Photo Service
done Video Service
done Massage
done Parking
done Drink Stations info
done Nutrition Stations info
done Medical Assistance
done Bag drop
done Toilets
done Shower
done Dressing rooms
done A free beer (0.0)
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Can someone collect my race pack for me?
How do I get to the race location?
Go to Leiden Centrum and ask for the Garenmarkt (park your car on the Haagweg 8 - free shuttle)
Can I change the distance after I purchase a ticket?
What is the cancellation/refund policy for this event?
You can sell your BIB-number to someone else. We'll the name and personal info, if you wish.
How to get to Leiden?
How to get to Leiden? 20-30 min with direct train from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport or 60 min with bus and train from Rotterdam The Hague Airport.
What are the age limits?
Full marathon 18 years, half marathon 16 years, 10K 12 years, Kidsrun for under 12 years
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