Krasmarafon "The July heat"

Join Krasmarafon "The July heat"
The most massive half-marathon in the Urals!
"Krasmarafon" - the main race in Krasnoyarsk!
Track Krasmarafona "The July heat" will be held in the most beautiful places in the city.
On our route the runners will see sights such as the Regional Philharmonic, Communal bridge embankment of the Yenisei, the main city street Prospekt Mira, and other memorable places of Krasnoyarsk.
JULY HEAT is an outstanding event in the sporting life of Krasnoyarsk and the central Krasmarafon race series. This year's event will be held traditionally in the central streets of the city. The race will be attended by more than 1,300 runners from Krasnoyarsk and other cities.
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