Microgaming Isle of Man Marathon & Half Marathon

10 Aug 2025 (Sun)


21,10km, 42,20km

Microgaming Isle of Man Marathon & Half Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

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Join Microgaming Isle of Man Marathon & Half Marathon

he Isle of Man Marathon is one of the top 10 running events in the United Kingdom, taking place on the picturesque course in the North of the Island, nestled between England and Ireland. The Isle of Man Marathon and Half Marathon are organised by the Isle of Man Veteran Athletes’ Club.

The rolling rural roads of the countryside in the northeast corner of the Isle of Man are the home to the Isle of Man Marathon & Half Marathon, which in most years welcomes a relatively small field of participants (usually around a few hundred), but also features an intimate, friendly atmosphere that only a smaller road race can bring.

The race also features a mix of flat stretches with rolling, undulating hills, especially in the early going. Stunning Scenery and a challenging route await those who enter.

This race has a good reputation, being highly regarded for its picturesque scenery and friendly and supportive spectators.


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Microgaming Isle of Man Marathon & Half Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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