Join Wachau Marathon
The Wachau, a wine growing area renowned throughout the world, offers not just a picturesque landscape, a rich history and extraordinary wealth of cultural heritage but also an amazing and fast running event. In 2000 the Wachau was declared part of the UNESCO World heritage – since 1998 runners have set a tradition in late September. The course along the Danube between Emmersdorf and Krems attracts thousands of amateur runners because of its flat topography and the beautiful surrounding.
The WACHAUmarathon running route is enjoyed and appreciated by thousands of hobby runners due to its flat topography. There is hardly an easier and faster stretch than the one between Emmersdorf and Krems. Beginners especially appreciate when there is a running event with no hill or mountain. These ideal topographical conditions enable them to more easily achieve their own personal running goals. On the other hand the WACHAUmarathon can offer performance-oriented runners the perfect conditions for a fast race. In this way the Wachau “track” especially promotes personal best performances.
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