Join Great Ocean Road Marathon
The Great Ocean Road Marathon and Festival of Distance Running features a 60km ultra marathon, 44km Marathon, 23km Half Marathon, 14km run, 6km run and The Kids’ 1.5km Gallop.
This event is held in a beautiful and unique area of Victoria, Australia on the Southern Ocean. Each year that this event has been conducted, it has attracted many athletes from around the world, all eager to participate in this challenging and pristine.
Victoria’s iconic Great Ocean Road is home to one of the world’s most visually spectacular marathons, The GMHBA Great Ocean Road Marathon.
With panoramic views of the Southern Ocean, the famous seaside location will attract participants from across Australia to participate in one of the seven events in May of each year.
Celebrating annual event, the iconic event provides participants of all fitness levels and ages with a unique opportunity to challenge themselves physically across of range of distances.
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