Grandma's Marathon
21 Jun 2025 (Sat)
5km, 21,10km, 42,16km

Join Grandma's Marathon
Grandma’s Marathon is an annual road race held each June in Duluth, Minnesota, in the United States. The course runs point-to-point from the town of Two Harbors on Scenic Route 61 and continues along Lake Superior into the city of Duluth. The finish is located in Canal Park, near Grandma’s Restaurant, which is next to the highly visible Aerial Lift Bridge.
The course is USATF certified. Yellow balloons mark each mile and times are recorded for seven hours (until 2:45 p.m.).
Since our initial race in 1977, Grandma’s Marathon has grown bigger than just a 26.2 mile race along the scenic North Shore of Minnesota.
It’s a moment where runners of all calibers come together to celebrate the vigor of the human spirit. Where the word “impossible” ceases to exist; a day where 8,500 people are your best running buddy.
So, tie up your laces and join us for our annual race of memories, miles and human might.
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