Gorce Ultra-Trail
01 Aug 2025 (Fri)
12km, 5,50km, 100,10km, 66km, 47,30km, 20km, 169km, 32km

Join Gorce Ultra-Trail
Welcame to Gorce Ultra-Trail® – a run through the most beautiful parts of Gorce Mountains … and the highest peak of Beskid Wyspowy – Mogielica. In the second edition we will have five distances and three days of competition. We start on Friday evening with a short but demanding, Studzionki Vertical. We run all the time up to the place where the sunset is the most beautiful, especially that illuminates the red slopes of the Tatra Mountains. On Saturday two traditional distances of 80 and 43 km, and for those who like the three-digit number – Gorce Ultra-Trail at 102 km. Of course, with 5 new points. We will end on Sunday, with 20-kilometer Ochotnica Challenge.
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