Gran Canaria Maratón

24 Jan 2021 (Sun)


21,10km, 42,20km, 10km

Gran Canaria Maratón

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Gran Canaria Maratón

We want the Cajasiete Gran Canaria Marathon to be recognized as an urban, overall (a reference to brokers in many countries) that puts people in the foreground, well organized, transparent, effective, supportive, welcoming and offers participants one sporting event with good human and sporting experience.

The Cajasiete Gran Canaria Marathon is a global event involving people from five continents. This years edition will take place close to the end of January, in the city of Las Palmas, and will consist of a set of sports and social activities culminating in the marathon, half Marathon and 10 km.

After years of steady growth the organization of the race, driven by a promoter committee composed of the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria and the Hon. City of Las Palmas, and corresponds to the overall coordination of the Ministry of Sports of the Cabildo of Gran Canaria, has set ambitious goals which are specified in four areas.


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5 / 5

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Gran Canaria Maratón

star star star star star

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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