UPMC | YMCA Harrisburg Half & 10K

07 Sep 2025 (Sun)


21,08km, 9,99km, 21,10km

UPMC | YMCA Harrisburg Half & 10K

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Join UPMC | YMCA Harrisburg Half & 10K

 The Harrisburg Half Marathon is held annually in the month of  September. It  has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, reaching more than 1,000 runners, walkers and relay team members , a big jump up from the 100 or so runners who completed the race’s inaugural running in 1997.

A beautifully scenic course that unfolds almost entirely along the banks of the Susquehanna River forms the backdrop for runners at Pennsylvania’s Harrisburg Half Marathon.

It starts and finishes on Harrisburg’s City Island, which lies smack in the middle of the Susquehanna and is linked to the mainland by bridge, mostly fast and flat  featuring  paved surfaces throughout with a  few up, rolling and downhill stretches, particularly at the start and near the finish of the race.

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UPMC | YMCA Harrisburg Half & 10K

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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