Cape Breton Fiddlers Marathon

Join Cape Breton Fiddlers Marathon
The Cape Breton Fiddlers Run Association was formed in the spring of 2005 by the late Lydia Dickson, with a mandate to promote fitness and health in the community and to offer training for new runners.
The Cape Breton Fiddlers Run is organized completely by volunteers; over 500 come together each year to offer the numerous events offered by the organization.
The Cape Breton Fiddlers Run organizing committee is made up of volunteers who truly represent the community. They include physicians, teachers, nutritionists, accountants, nurses, lawyers, police officers and staff from the Nova Scotia Health Authority, Cape Breton Regional Police, CBRM Recreation, and Doctors’ Nova Scotia.
directions_runStart address: Cape Breton,ca
flagFinish address: Cape Breton,ca
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