Cannonball Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k
17 Okt 2025 (Fri)
21,08km, 4,99km, 42,16km, 10km, 47,15km, 26,07km, 14,97km

Join Cannonball Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k
The Cannonball Marathon is having its annual run! We still have an awesome half marathon plus Natty Greene’s beer, great food, live music, a cool medal, and a great 5k course. It is a challenging course, but one of the most beautiful in North Carolina.
The race is a certified BOSTON MARATHON QUALIFIER (certificate number NC16019BDS), and is the only marathon in the Triad.
We are happy and excited to support the Humane Society of the Piedmont as our charity partner for the Cannonball. When you register, add a little to help the kitties and puppies!
You got this. Run 26.2 or 13.1!
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