Brabant Wall Marathon

Join Brabant Wall Marathon
On June 5, 2011 the first edition of The Brabant Wall Marathon (De Brabantse wal Marathon) took place, organized by the Rotary Club “The Brabant Wal” in collaboration with AV Spado from Bergen op Zoom. With nearly 1,000 entries on all the components running event.The fourth edition of this nature marathon was scheduled for Sunday, June 1, 2014. The proceeds of this running event will be donated to charity!
The Marathon course consists of one whole round, often on unpaved and uneven terrain.Compared to the first 5 editions, there is something more in paved area.
All distances of the Brabant Wal marathon run over hilly terrain, the unique Brabant Wall. Add to this the factor of the weather, and the experience of a natural loop is complete! The first year it was hot and got the runners to deal with dusty trails and loose sand. The second edition showed a totally different side is the weather: rain and wind turned the trails into mud and puddles.
The half marathon has traditionally been the largest field with 234 participants in the big field.
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