Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon

22 Feb 2025 (Sat)


9km, 32km, 106km, 55km

Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon

The Borneo Ultra-Trail® Marathon is an extreme, outdoor ultra trail marathon that will take runners through a combination of natural jungle settings and cultural landscapes via trails, dirt tracks and back-roads in the Kiulu Valley North of Kota Kinabalu. There will be sweeping views over the surrounding ridges and valleys as well as to the majestic Mount Kinabalu to the north-east of the area.

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directions_runStart address: Tamparuli,my

flagFinish address: Tamparuli,my

Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon Routenkarte


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Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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