Bilbao Night Running Fest

Bilbao, Spain

18 Okt 2025 (Sat)


10km, 21,10km

Bilbao Night Running Fest

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Join Bilbao Night Running Fest

The TotalEnergies Bilbao Night Marathon will celebrate its 13th edition on October 22, 2022, running through the most beautiful streets of the Biscayan capital together with 10,000 participants from 5 continents, to enjoy the quintessential night race on the Spanish calendar.

This race has 3 distances (only the marathon distance is available at World’s Marathons at this moment), Marathon, Half Marathon and 10k Pirate Race, approved by the RFEA and included in the federation calendar. So popular and professional athletes can enjoy the biggest running festival in Vizcaya and its unique atmosphere in which thousands of spectators take to the streets that day to cheer on the runners and feel part of this great celebration.

In addition to having an incredibly beautiful and tourist route through Bilbao, the TotalEnegies Bilbao Marathon is a real running party, in which more than 8 entertainment points located along the route will put rhythm to this incredible experience based on enhancing sport and healthy life.

TotalEnergies Bilbao Night Marathon is also a great incentive for tourism, and a perfect showcase for our city to be recognized throughout the world, getting nearly 2,000 foreign runners from around 55 countries to visit us every year.

An event whose main objective is to turn the participant into the protagonist of this unique event, where passion, effort and great deeds will invade the city. A unique journey that begins when you register and will end when you cross the finish line of the TotalEnergies Bilbao Night Marathon located in one of the emblems of the city, the Guggenheim Museum. From the oldest participant to the youngest, from the Bilbao runner to the runner who comes from the other part of the world, from the tenacious participant who drags a wheelchair to the hard-working winner. Each one of them, together with the hundreds of volunteers, organizers and coordinators, assembly technicians, security, sound technicians, animation groups, medical services, physiotherapists, traffic agents, cleaning services and citizens, make it possible for, together, let’s make the TotalEnergies Bilbao Night Marathon a magical experience, with the best possible company: Bilbao.

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

When and where can I collect my BIB/race pack?


Expo and race-pack collection. Friday 21 October: 12:00 - 8:30 p.m. Saturday 22 October: 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. EXPOKIROLAK, EUSKALDUNA PALACE

Can someone collect my race pack for me?


If a participant cannot pick up their number on the indicated days, another person can do it for them, presenting the photo of the DNI or identification document of the participant.

What is the cancelation/refund policy for this event?


The cancellation or refund of the registration will not be made under any circumstances. Once the registration is formalized, the race registration fee will not be refunded for any reason, including the cancellation of the test caused by a case of force majeure, considering these as those in which the relevant authorities force the event to be suspended.

Time limit for marathon


A maximum time of 5 hours is established to complete the MARATHON distance. After this time, participants who have not finished the tour must leave it.

Bilbao Night Running Fest

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local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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