Bellin Women's Half Marathon & 5K

Join Bellin Women's Half Marathon & 5K
Do something inspirational for yourself by taking part in the Bellin Women’s Half Marathon!
Kick off the weekend by enjoying an elegant Women’s Inspiration Dinner on Friday night with a nationally renowned keynote speaker. By the end of the night, you will be more than ready to run, both physically and mentally.
Wake up early Saturday morning and run the scenic and breathtaking 13.1 mile half marathon course, or split the distance and run with a partner in the relay division. Either way, you’ll enjoy the camaraderie of 2000 strong women accomplishing something great!
After a relaxing Saturday afternoon, come and celebrate your achievement with a Dance Party and Awards Ceremony on the CityDeck in downtown Green Bay. Bring your friends or make new ones at the event!
Proceeds benefit local female-focused causes through The Women’s Fund of Greater Green Bay.
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