Join Auroville Marathon
Greetings from Auroville to all men of good will. Are invited to Auroville all thos who thirst for progress abd aspire to a higher and truer life.Auroville Marathon has emerged as one of the favourite events amidst recreational runners in India. It takes place in Auroville (is a small township around 8 kms from Pondicherry), India.
The first Auroville marathon was organised to celebrate the 40 years of Auroville in 2008. The marathon is organised by Auroville runners in association with the Auroville community. The total number of runners for the marathon touched a new high with over 1500 runners running various distances.The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 km, usually run as a road race. the event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.The events include marathon, half marathon and 10k run. With over 3000 runners registering for the 2013 event, it presented the biggest event Auroville has witnessed since its inception in 1968.All running routes will be through Auroville.
The route will be a combination of dirt roads and paved roads, though predominantly on dirt roads, the joy of running on a trail and yet a challenging one.Running a marathon is an extreme sport. Extreme self-motivation ensues on a successful completion of the run. But, this also requires long and rigorous disciplined training, effort and focus. Those runners wishing to participate in the event are advised to start preparing for the event now.Here with are shared the training schedule for the coming marathon and the strengthening exercises that are highly recommended for an injury free run.Goal of the Auroville Marathon is to offer a platform for those who wish to develop in themselves grit, tenacity, plasticity and become runners for the rest of their lives. the run is offered to all in the spirit of the joy and running. the journey to that discovery is arduous, but very rewarding. Let’s go hit the trail!!
directions_runStart address: Auroville,in
flagFinish address: Auroville,in
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