Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

26 Jan 2025 (Sun)


21,08km, 4,99km

Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

The Desert Classic Marathon is an Arizona original. Join in on the tradition!The marathon offers a beautiful out-and-back course and offers runners spectacular desert scenery.

The Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K takes runners on a long, mostly straightaway course just to the north of Arizona’s White Tank Mountain Regional Park, a 30,000-acre park filled with rugged, rocky, mountainous terrain and which lies to the west of the Phoenix metro area.

The course is lined with ample views of the majestic mountain scenery in all directions around, as well as the thrill of running through a true arid, desert climate.

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Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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